Important Information

We understand that your privacy is important. This Privacy Policy provides you with information concerning how we collect, use and share your personal information. We may make changes to this policy at any time, and you are advised to check this page regularly in order to be informed of the latest updates.

If you continue to use our website, you are indicating agreement with and acceptance of the terms of this policy. If you do not agree with or accept the terms of this policy, please discontinue your use of our website.

We do not intend this website for the use of minors, and we do not collect the personal information of minors.

Your privacy is our concern, and we take strict precautions to ensure that your personal information is never damaged, lost or misused.

This policy applies to information collected on both desktop and mobile versions of this website and to any correspondence between you and site administrators, which includes email correspondence.

This website may include links to third parties (websites, applications, services). Clicking on those links may allow third parties to collect or share your personal data. We are not responsible for the privacy statements of third parties.

For questions concerning this policy please contact us through our contact form.

Information we collect

The kinds of information we gather from users of our website is dependent upon the user's level of interaction with website as follows:

A. Members - Members are users of the website who register in order to interact with the website in ways such as commenting on the content or marking content as a 'favorite'. If you become a member, we collect your username, password and email address. We also collect your preferences and information sent to us via direct communication from you, as well as the technical data listed below under 'Browsers'.

B. Browsers - We collect data from unregistered users (and members) of the website that includes your IP address, time zone and location, operating system and browser type and version, and other such technical information. We also collect information about your activities while browsing the website, such as which pages you view and how long you spend on the website.

How information is collected

We gather data about you in the following ways:

Passive Collection - Data is automatically collected each time you visit the website. This data includes, but is not limited to, your IP address, the date and time of your visit, your geographic location, and your browser type and language.

Active Collection - We collect personal information from you that you disclose to us directly when you complete the registration form on the website, post materials to the website or communicate with us by any method.

How we use personal information

The main purposes for which we use your data are the following:

- To provide the website and enable its interactive elements

- To display relevant advertising and content tailored to your interests

- To carry out research and analyze data for the purposes of website maintenance and improvement

- To diagnose and resolve any technical issues and ensure the smooth operation of the website

- To allow communication with you and for the provision of customer support

- For the compliance with applicable law, to cooperate with legal authorities, and to ensure compliance with our terms of service

Disclosure of your personal information

We may disclose your personal data to certain parties in the following situations and for the following purposes:

- Individuals and companies that provide necessary services, such as security, hosting or website functionality, and strictly for the purpose of providing those services

- Any organization or individual that buys or to which we transfer all or a substantial portion of our assets and business

- Law enforcement, government agencies and other such authorities, in order to comply with applicable law and to protect the company's rights and the rights of website users and other parties

Your rights regarding your information

You have the right to review, correct, update, delete, or request a copy of your personal information. You have the right to restrict its processing, to request its transfer, or to withdraw your consent. Contact us to exercise these rights.

International Transfers

Your use of our website indicates your consent to the transfer, storage, and processing of information we gather from and about you to any country in which we or our services providers are located, which may have less strict privacy laws and may be outside of the European Economic Area.
